About the founders

Lady J

Singer, Speaker & Songwriter who has a passion for all things Jesus. By day she the CEO of The Loving Me Academy which is a nonprofit for Christian Women and by night she is a mother to 3 and a wife.

Amber Davis

A Licensed School Social Worker who enjoys advocating for inner city children and families. She’s a full-time mom to 2 young men who she travels the world with to show single moms do it best!

About the Brand

It all started when Lady J had a dream about a clothing line and felt the urgency from God!

The scripture He gave was Psalms 119:11 which says "hide the word IN your heart so you won't sin against God." That day, God said "take the word FROM your heart and wear it ON YOUR heart.

She prayed, shared the vision with her best friend Amber who helped come up with the name and the rest was HERstory...

Welcome to our Intersection. Welcome to our brand.